rpadilla89 | Poetry Vibe
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Give up



Views: 332

 Say something or I’m giving up on you.
Believe me it’s not something I want to do.

You were the apple of my eye.
My kingdom in the sky.

You opened doors I never saw before.
You shined a light that I needed for sure.

You gave me hope with one laugh, one innocent smile.
I thought you could be the one that would stay for a while.

I would've moved heaven and earth.
Just to make sure you were always first.

The prize I adored, nobody else compared.
I never saw another, this I solemnly swear.

But chivalry is long gone, the age of gentleman dead.
I fear I scared you off, please lay my worries to bed.

Say something or I’m giving up on you.
And it’s something I know we’ll regret to do.

I don’t want to look for another, you can be my one.
My sky, my hope, my moon and my sun.

Tell me you care, tell me you want me too.
Please tell me that everything I think is true.

The happiness you showed me, we can make it last.
The loneliness we felt can be a thing in the past.

You’re my worst distraction, the movie that’s on replay.
I never want it to end, I need you here to stay.

But I must think of myself, protect my broken heart.
You don’t have my interest in mind, not from the very start.

Because you’re all about you, what you need done.
Give up on someone before the fun has even begun.

You’re scared, I see that. But it’s ok to take a chance.
What is this game if not a risk for romance?

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
But you can’t just give up, I beg you to choose.

Be alone, that’s what got you this far.
Or try something new, and build a love brighter than any star.

I’ve know my choice, but there’s something I need from you.
Say something or I’m giving up on you.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Superbly Crafted with Flowz.....thanks for sharing.....ONE

poems by this commentor

Contest Winner  

igotastory says:

This is by far the best peom I have ever read period / I can really relate

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