SupHomeboi | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 26600
contest winner 1
contest winner
It's been a while since I've been on here and spoke my mind, heart and soul. Feels good as always.

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Views: 313

You are a fantasy disguised as reality

You are my destiny disguised as fate

The day we met my whole aura glowed

Like a halo perched upon an angel's head

Sunshine becomes you

Your superhero name should be "Silver Lining"

My darkest nights could never compete

You knock them out with your ray of light

Eliminating all feelings of hopelessness

Eliminating all feelings of worthlessness

Defeating my depression

Slaying my sadness

Rescuing me from ever being hurt again

You saved me

I am forever indebted to you

I owe you my life

You are my life

Thank you



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