detroitfred | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Found a few poems I haven't seen in a while.

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Views: 186

 I haven't felt something real in a long time
I'd lie to myself and say I was happy when I surely was not
But these lies felt good to me
They'd course through my veins hitting red cell to white cell
Until they finally met my heart and put me in a drug induced hell
And these lies would feel so good when I held them
They would feel so good at 2 in the morning
When I had nothing but lust in my eyes
So at times when I should be snoring
My hands seeped into her thighs
And at times, I knew they were lies and would try to break away
But the withdrawals were telling me to stay longer
I couldn't depend on myself
I needed to be stronger
I need..
I need something real to feel
These lies have been genuine for too long
I have made them too strong for me to even deal with them
So I'm laid out in my bed looking like another victim
And it's all because I've been shown a bit of affection
I didn't care, I wasn't trying to learn a lesson
I just needed another lie
Just tell me it one more time
Please just say it, say you miss me
I don't care if it's true it just sounds so good coming from you
Tell me you really care
Tell me that no one else compares and that in my eyes you're ensnared
I'll know they're lies, but sometimes these lies feel so nice
These lies have become my vice
These lies have consumed my life
These lies are what's real in my eyes
They've felt so genuine before how could they not be
Their dark lustful powers blindfold me
I'm stuck in the quicksand from them
The truth's right in my face with the rope but I can't see it coming towards me
These lies surround my life, but I don't know if I want them to leave
Because if they leave, all that will remain, is unknown to myself me

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