Azura Heart | Poetry Vibe
Azura Heart
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Views: 279

Sweet memories
Thinking about something that was
Because I got too much time on my hands
Begin to with stand my own complaints
Constructive actions
Have happened
But not in the quantity that I want it
I must be honest
I have only just started
My spirit feels like it embodied some warrior
Strong and will conquer
All that I find to matter
It sits patiently deep within me
Wanting to be free
Awaken from its slumber
I wonder about that at times
The metaphorical sword has been drawn
My victory is ensured
I raise supreme in all my endeavors
But that might be a day dream
Would it come to an end?
I’m not pretending
In taking charge if my story
For that warrior within demands glory
I was in a hurry
But patience is a virtue
I can’t remember who said that though
But it is true
Every way and every form
My fighting spirit has been reborn
And if I have my way today
Or even tomorrow
I would be proud
For never giving up
In all that I desire
For I have the power

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