Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
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lightness in the dark

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Gotta learn to live with regrets



Views: 356

I heard it all before along with hit the door. I tried to remain calm when I told her, if you kick me out I'm not coming back no more, "she said well than leave your key!" the thought perplexed me. I took it in for a second, started to second guess it with my pride set in. I thought F it! slammed the door and followed the wind. we went for a whole week didnt text, didn't speak. the silence cut me deep, but if you love her set her free. so I took a knee, said a prayer to the man, tonight I take a stand for me. Gave up all the bs, with that came less stress. got a job, got correct, stack a little bit, and got my own place. I have to say I loved living this way. It had been a whole year, even got a new girl. she moved in about a month ago, or so I don't know mind slips me. she about a week carrying my bun so to speak. she met me at the cafe´ down the street, on my lunch break to eat. outside seating pasta penne´ when my ex walked passed, and casually said hey! I could see it in her face. I yelled quick, we should catchup one day. though the makeup was done good, plus the big shades, I could tell she had a large bruise on her face. I didn't know what to say, but you have a blessed day.......

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Fantastic Work, didn't see that coming....Smooth....Bravo!

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royale jones says:

Thank sir thank you!

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