edwardbalonado21 | Poetry Vibe
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Love and Hate



Views: 370

 Love, such a wonderful thing. I my self never had it, sure I had my crushes but end up being crushed. I live a lonley life, may got family but there love is just there taking its rightfull place just as my heart is there to keep a steady pace. Love is a race I cant win even if im ahead cause one day we all just end up dead. Love
Hate, somthing I know to well, makes my life a living hell. I have days where its every thing is just swell, but my days are mostly filled with hate. I never had a date, girls don't like me, I feel ashamed even though my goals are high aimed. Could it be that hate is the faith ment for me so I finish off by saying live your life to fullest and live with out Hate.

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