Royale jones | Poetry Vibe
Royale jones
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lightness in the dark

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(bottom titled)


just different

Views: 353

what could you see, if what was there was only a figment of your imagination
just words passed between the darkness of your soul's infatuation
with passion you ask yourself for an explanation, but such things can't be forced they must grow with anticipation
so rage sets in you grab firm your pen and jot down the first word that comes to mind
questions flood
the stiff drink you poured hits your chest, but only feeds the silence
the dimmed light flickers as if it was a candle being touched by a small gust of wind
you sigh....
frustrated from the voices rambling on about things you can only bit and piece together
you abruptly look up..
was there someone else there,
there's no one, but us here James.
how do you know my name?
it gets quiet suddenly the room grows darker
a foul whisper hits your ear sounding out...
you know we did it!
you yell in a outrage...
did what!?
nothing comes after...
a single light brightened the room, and it looks nothing like what it was before the laughter
what the hell is going on here?
a voice calls back...
what do you think is going on here?..
there's a big mirror on the wall quite large to be exact
there's someone else there but you can only see yourself.
whys is that?
stop talking to me... please!
that's what she said pleading to you on her knees.
who are you talking about?
Jame! you know we did it!
did what?
you remember, it was only last night, you enjoyed yourself...
who are you?
I'm you, and you are me!
oh James, your starting to make us mad see!
just leave me alone please?
now why would we do that, you love playing with us. we have so much fun together....
what are you talking about?
open yours eyes, your in a police station hand cuffed to a table. we told you to run, but out of all of us you were the most unstable.
look at your hands, and try not to shout!
yeah! that's right. that's her blood! pretty isn't it?
what did I do?
A loud thud hits the table, two fist appear.
that's what we wanna know?
everything starts to move slow...
you can feel the tears forming on your face, sweat piling on top of you brow.
I didn't do anything somehow squeezes it's way out of your mouth.
is that right pal?
than why were you in the house. and why is there blood all over your hands?
the room goes black your body goes numb..
because it was us, not him!
he was to sleepy the little punk. so when he passed out we had ourselves a little fun, and boy did we!
the door slams.
you wake up abruptly...
your back your bed. you let out a sigh.... what a freaky dream!
you wipe the sweat from your head and walk to the bathroom.
you turn on the light, and in the mirror there it was your forehead covered in red........................

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Very intriguing story.

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scash102 says:

Very Interesting

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royale jones says:

Thank you wiz and scash glad I could draw you into the story...

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