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Truth Embodiment



Views: 372

My essence is a metaphysical lyrical prism
Opening minds confined to being blind in your own mental prison
I’m inclined to open your eyes by blinding you with my infinite wisdom
To hell with religion
I’m not trying to control your psychological
By preaching hypothetical scenarios
I am pure so don’t you dare try to ignore
Cause my truth dwells in the pit of your core
Breaking down the doors shut on our faces
Causing cynicism to reach into the hearts of disgraces
I’ve run too many races
Fought too many fights
But now being in this lyrical miracle position
I share light in my human faithful disposition
Using words of power to offer a spiritual composition

Rendering internal graphics of prophets of past ages
I’m here to help develop your own life journey and turn your own pages
Reveal the pain of your past rages
Flipping out on street pinnacle stages
My words will reach the minds seeking truth
Thus like a virus I will be contagious

You can not ignore the fact
That truth is the very thing that many do lack
Stuck in a population that’s erasing its own people disgracing
Filling minds and souls with dark hatred and wrath
You can try to sit back mock me and laugh
But in the end it shall be people like me
Who will be not only free!
But will be the people looking down laughing at thee
Because to be free is slavery and freedom is slavery in this dimension
Speaking with no apprehension
I’m diluting your lies with truth and filling up your joints with liquid retention
Forcing you to eventually listen and pay great attention
Because although I bring peace my peace stirs up so much dissension
And when the time is right we shall either be thrown into the pit of flames
Or go into our own spiritual dimension
I look around and see Judas trying to recruit this
But being more like an infinite CPU
No one could try to reboot this
My facts of life you can not refute this
You could step away and refuse
But in the end you will lose
So either learn to defuse
Or fire up and enthuse!
‘Cause in the beginning of our eternity
We’ll be like the divine spark and only create a nice reality
Whether it be sanity, insanity or pure distasteful vanity
The masses will group on and try to do a coup
But I will sip them all up like a bowl of Campbell’s soup

Lyrical land mind
Blowing your mind fill it with the light of the sublime

Tale a brief note
You can not create an anecdote from a prideful place that’s remote

Isolated in your own prison
Creating internal strife by the lies that have risen

You can never sever
The mind of a spiritually wise man
Who is also mundane
And highly intellectually clever

Some say whatever
Come what may
No matter the weather
The heavy rains or strong winds will not break this
Like a thief, life will try to take this
You could record and try to tape this
But from your memory you could never erase this
Cease to exist for the moment
Take hold of it, grab and hold it
Live up to the truth and uphold it

Being the epitome of what is fractionally true
Is just the reflection of me and yet another you
So coming to me is like going to you
We still don’t always know what to do
But we are the chosen few

Chosen to be better the rest of society
Full of spiritual, non-cynical, and whimsical sobriety
Take a little time to say hi to me
Never cling but never say bye to me

You could try but don’t cry for me
You could follow but don’t die for me!

The embodiment of truth is persistent
Highly rational and forever consistent
Negative energy resistant

Time, space and all elements transcending
No need for any kind of pretending
Your mind I will be apprehending
Positive messages are what I try to be consistently sending

A little bit of insanity is what I merge when I’m blending
Truth, honor and respect are the things I’m defending
Not trying to be better than any because with none I’m contending

So just awaken and open your eyes
Take this moment to realize
Listen carefully to the earth’s cries
Hear the demonized lies

But ignore the bore
The emotional whore
Anti-theistic chore which many adore
Who simultaneously atrophy deep in their core!

Truth embodiment offers loving salutations
But people withdraw from much hesitation
Dealing with aggravation
We all tend to think of only self preservation
But divination
Can create and help develop the brightest illumination
So take a second to change your mental frequencies station

And bow for your life’s ending standing ovation
For when the end draws nigh
You can cry your last cry
Your last breath
You will not have any fear
So ‘it’ you would not deny
So relax and enter into the next stage by exiting with death!


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