Phenomenal Paris | Poetry Vibe
Phenomenal Paris
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 46600
contest winner 1
contest winner
Black lives matters

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Views: 363
I don't want to be bitter because of my past. I want to be able to love, trust and forgive. I don't want to be on the defense everytime someone new cross my path. I want to be the loving woman deep down inside, I am. The woman that was once lost and broken at the hands of men. I want this bitterness to end. I want my healing process to begin. I want God to give me peace. I want to be free of all the things that's weighting me down. I want to be happy and not fake a smile. I no longer want to feel like I'm dying but living again. I lost myself, I want to find Paris again. I want to conquer this bitterness.

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DallasCowgirl says:

Feeling you on this one!

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