detroitfred | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Found a few poems I haven't seen in a while.

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Views: 210

Why do you look at me that way?
I am a male so I must act a certain way, right?
What if it’s all mental though?
Too afraid to find out what you don’t know?
Are your assumptions so opaque that categorize me as the same?
So what makes me the same as the rest of them?
I have a p-nis so my chances of being different are slim?
What are you searching for that you always find the wrong?
I’m just saying.
You’re giving guys a bad reputation
Your brain seen the outside of the box, maybe?
But, I won’t ask you to change.
Cuz’ I want you the way you are
I know that sounds lame
But, baby you resemble the stars
Don’t go to smiling
Cuz’ I’ll go blind from all the brightness
Close your eyes, settle down
Take some time to stare at the darkness
Night sky above looking upon us
But you know what’s strange?
About these stars you resemble…
It’s so complicated yet elaborately simple
There’s many of them so tell me
What makes you different?
Why should I listen?
That’s what you did when you saw me
Blew me off without a chance
So here we are…
Stuck in your hypocritical trance.

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