I read an article the other day about how I should be loved
I don't think it was asking too much the article was quite just
it didn't shine women in an uncanny light
It didn't say they should be h-es and just give me their life
But I couldn't tell you if all or just some was true
I can't give you general male eyes to look through
But I can tell you how I want to be treated
I can show you through lines and stanzas until my words pierce your spirit
And you'll see the pureness of it so I won't worry if you hear it
I want to be treated like that first bite of your favorite meal
You cherish it as your love engulfs it slowly
I want to feel like your favorite song
Every day you need to hear me to feel like things won't go wrong
And you've memorized everything I say and every breath I take
And know my moves before they're made
And be the eraser to my mistakes
And be the half of me that shows the other half's great
Because I know I'm supposed to be strong as a man
But with you I feel vulnerable at times
I'm not used to the feeling but when you're in my arms I feel fine
It's like your body was perfectly designed for my arms to fit around
And your mouth sends perfect words into my soul when you confide
And feeding off each other's energy is keeping us alive
Love me so strong that we see soul to soul
And our love can manifest tenfold until we grow old
Our grandchildren will catch chills at how great our story is
Every year we spend together will be another glory year