What if everything we were taught was a lie?
What if theres no God in the skyJust a way for people to make money and offer their ties?What if life as we know it is not reality but a test?And somewhere we lay in pods and different scenerios are played out while in an induced coma we rest?What if we are the reality show?What if aliens are currently watching us on their satellites laughing at our lifes and lies as we go?What if those same aliens are here with us disguised as real people in high up places?Maybe they just wanted a better view. What if we knew the cure for cancer?What if I was able to find it and ask my dad all the questions I needed answered?What if the cure was something simple and its been around us for the longest time?And then we find it while decoding a hip hop rhyme?Wouldnt it be ironic? What if Dr. Dre was really a doctor and the cure begins at the 2:03 mark in the fifth song on his album "the chronic"?What if poetry never existed?Would you still be able to voice your opinion?Or would that voice you used loud at the slams just become nothing but a whisper? Im not asking you to question your religion, life, or reality cause my views have not changedI just wanted to know if anyone else thinks "what if" some days.