Toni_touch | Poetry Vibe
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A Poet's Soul


first love

Views: 322

 If only you knew what love does to a poet's soul.

I've emptied numbers of pens unknown with thoughts of you,

in different hues on various surfaces,

you live through my words and don’t even know.

You raped my creativity,

violently forcing yourself into the tips of many writing utensils,

impregnating page after page with the seeds you've planted in my heart.

The sweetest kind of lethal injection when I feel you inside me.

If only you knew what love does to a poet's soul.

It half-fills notebooks with caffeine-crazed sonnets in your honor,

ignoring the boiling anger held towards you that went away half-way through the second tall coffee.

It writes poetry on Starbucks cups while she should be in class but cant,

because her mind is so conflicted over you.

It makes your insides dance, laugh. cry, sing, and scream out of control because there are just too many

feelings for one heart to hold.

It causes right-handed cramps from unpunctuated free-writes praising you for no good reason.
Let me tell you, I want you to know.

I love you lustlessly with blind eyes and truer words have never been spoken, I assure you.

If only you knew.

If you could see what you do.

I wish that you knew what love does to a poet's soul.

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