tretre | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Both You & Me:



Views: 378

 From day one he knew how precious you would be,

he told the world and said it out loud, how proud he was

to have you as his child.

I wish you could see how happy he was,

when I told him about you, how he jumped in the air with

joy, the way his face lit up when he smiled, when

He found out it was true.

3 days before you were born, god called him home,

I was sadden, hurt and felt all alone.

He never got a chance to look you in the eyes,

I bet if he had the chance, he would have said 

"I love you, while holding you close to his heart, he

probably would have even cryed.

He was a beautiful man, never hard to understand,

he was the love of my life, we were engaged I was ready

to be his wife, but god had other plans.

As I write this poem, I sit here and watch you sleep

eyes closed, the sight most beautiful and sweet,

His love for you was deep

he loved  you, you made his heart complete.

I hope when you are older you can feel his love

through me, I write this poem for you so maybe

one day you will see, the love he had for both you and me.


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