Allow me a minute
And nothing more As I sound my heart And bid farewellas I watch my hero kiss his death Startled........Afraid......Trembling....He knew the outcome The consequences of opposing oppressionBut only a real leader Is willingly ready to sacrifice their all For the freedom of his people ......Freedom of the oppressed Freedom of the crying mourning for the hero of their beloved country For as my hero walked out the prisoners rooms towards the gate that would lead him to freedomHe knew if he didn't leave His bitterness and hatred behind He would still he in that prison oppressed.....Crying for freedom watching as hope fades for this beloved country ......He climbed a great hill To shout silent screams That flow past the oppression... And move the mountains and seas........But after climbing a great hill One only finds that there are more hills to climb That there is no easy walk to freedom ......Freedom for the oppressed Freedom of the crying of this beloved country........And many of us will have to pass through,The valleys of the shadows of death Again and again.......Before we reach the mountain tops of our desires.....To reach freedom ..To end the cries of this beloved countryTo let freedom reignAllow me a minute ........for the sun never set on so a glorious achievement. ~Kilay Deh'Poet