Till this day i do not understand why yu use to hurt me Always hit me with the low blows Make me feel guilty for something i didnt do Till this day i dont understand I use to sit in my room after school and question why yu made me feel like a foolMamma where are you?? Yu always leaving me here to survive But i just want your love cant yu see how empty yu have left my heartI am innocent! You dont need a jury to determine that Trust me mamma why cant yu do thatI have stayed on the sideline for far to long Its time for me to scream from frustrationAs i feel I've been walking a endless road with you mamma Always screaming for your forgiveness, but you give me no answer I have tried ma I have showed you loveI have showed you obedience I have showed you hope But no more I think its time for you to be in the sideline Asking for MY forgivenessMY love..