How dark is the shades
That hide my eyes from the
Truth that creeps within my mind
From what is not hard to find
The bloody hand that gripped
The shower curtain trying to stand
Breathing the last breath
That once shrieked in agony
Reaching out to me
I stood never to be
Understood by those
Too young to fathom
Standing in my shadow
Scrutinizing my every move
As I crept along the wall
Scraped by the haunting
Spirits breaking my fall
Embodying my entity
Enclosed by transparent
Transference perfectly
I saw through the dim light
Echoing dark mantras
The illuminating dance
Pictures of painted
Houses on hilltops
Angels perched on
Treetops glittered
Feathers dwindling
Golden bells ringing
To the sound of rain falling
Drowning out the gossip
Remarking memories
Of apartment #16
Aluminum window panes
Coagulated blood stains
Pink and red rose pedals
In bloody horrific remains
Bone chilling
Warm bodies
Wrapped in deli paper
Like cold cuts
In the danger zones
Of rotgut and mutilation
Sadistic massacres
Carnage and butcheries