Toni_touch | Poetry Vibe
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Angry Masturbation



Views: 256

 Close your eyes.
Spread your legs.
Scratching out the meanest mixes
on a quivering clit,
she's shivering despite
the heat.
so hot in
that glory hole,
sucking at your digits
as if trying to suck
the sum of your being into the
almighty vagina.
Don't lose focus.
Keep the face in mind.
The one you can't have.
Or the one that you left.
Eat that !
More spit,
oh yea right there.
Pruny fingertips.
Keep going.
Breast caressing,
turgid nipple twisting,
you're almost there.
Fast forward to your favorite scene,
or click on another link.
Yes, that's it.
Dip a tip into that slick stuff.
Not too much pressure. Whip your clit to and fro
like vinyl on a
turn table,
squirt to the high heavens,
like a true DJ Hero.

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