2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Personal Revolution


Views: 642

The revolution will not be televised

The revolution is happening on the inside

Away from multitudes to spy

Hidden behind even the third eye

Revolutionary principles of enlightenment

Exploding in fury rained down from within

Change is wanted to bring about a new day

Viewing Holy Spirit in a mirror

Alternating comfort zones are in decline

As individuals are revolutionized

As the Spirit of God comes alive

But not by eyes, as said before

This revolution will not be televised

Wise men and Unwise know not the time

All that has been read and written won’t survive

As personal revolution burns thru our lives

Ego is enemy and is trying to survive

To sustain status quo of material fame of fortunes

Using hydrogen bombs to control glory

Falsely making you fight against self historically

Some awaken in a struggle, Others struggle to sleep

Mind strikes quickly, taking many down from within

Heart keeps beating and marching forward in love

The very real skirmish is not a third world story

Fought on foreign shores of informal acquaintance

For even at that instant of turmoil, we are all embroiled

Simultaneously simulcast in sound surrounded in thought

Fought using weapons of gut checks and blindsighted revelations

Neutrality is not an option as everyone’s spirit is connected

Blinking in and out of universal unity and moments of clarity

Revolutionary characters projecting disasters on masses not seeing

Believing that seeing is believing and therefore must be reality

Ignoring inexplicably their on rumblings and rumors of spiritual unrest

Rationalizing that the revolution is caused by someone else

Not overstanding what troubles us all is really saying and promising

And that has been prophesized for centuries, speaking on this to come

Coming in signs to see outwardly, inwardly revealing our savior is seen

In the arrival and final battle waging and coming to a person near you

Freeing us from our own self and lifting up Love in all connected

Which is not by accident but perfected Personally for all to see and

Experience quite dramatically the hour, minute, second…..REVOLUTION!

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mrmelody7 says:

Always like going down into your deep well of Wisdom, enjoyable rhythmic always with that skillful skill. Gil Scott heron The Revolution Will Not be televised

mrmelody7 says:

Always like going down into your deep well of Wisdom, enjoyable rhythmic always with that skillful skill. Gil Scott heron The Revolution Will Not be televised
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tretre says:

I totally agree with MrMelody...Your poetry is always deep and guided with much Wisdom. I put up my lighter up to you 2b2b2...Always keep that pen movin!
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The Immortal Wize says:

Alright homie don't get me started, this is the biz niz militant 4 life.

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2b2b2 says:

Thanks much PoetryVibe family....ONE

catmartan says:


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Charles2 says:

Revolutionary ...minded... will rejoice in this ...anthem...

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