Mickey2034 | Poetry Vibe
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Call on your life



Views: 319

There is a call on your life honeeey. There's a call on your life today. Why do you think you're still living, no matter what you do or say. There's a call on your life honeeey. You mine as we'll obey. 

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The Immortal Wize says:

Spoken truth!

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mrmelody7 says:

So true, its not what you want to do a higher callin is in charge of what he wants you to do

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mrmelody7 says:

mickey things not that greatwi th mom she turned 95 24 Oct not much mobility in her legs fall a lot Mac been stayin all night to help no book but got more then enough to do another

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Mickey2034 says:

Mrmelody7 please tell her and Mack hello. Hope to see you before yearend

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