rpadilla89 | Poetry Vibe
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Love at first sight


first love

Views: 282

I thought I was dreaming when you came my way.

Your smile intrigued me; I had no words to say.


I said a joke to break the ice, we shared a laugh.

You told me you were just stopping by, I was on the path.


We talked for longer than expected. Time well spent.

You were an angel in my eyes, truly heaven sent.


Made plans to see each other, you didn’t think I’d show.

Thought I wasn’t interested, it was time for me to go.


But I’m full of surprises, I showed and we had a blast.

The memories we shared, I wished it would always last.


It felt natural to be with you, hold you in my arms.

You laughed at all my jokes, my boyish charm.


All eyes were on us, we were in center stage.

The envy of the world, we left other in a daze.


Truly love at first sight, I can’t stay away.

I want to know all your secrets, trust that I will stay.


But as fast as it came, sadly you were gone.

The happiness was over; I was left where I belong.


Left to wonder what that glimpse of happiness was? Will I see you again?

Can we continue were we left off and let the love begin?


You were more than a one night stand, as hard as I try to fight.

You will always be special to me, my love at first sight.

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Contest Winner  

tretre says:

Aweeeeee.....Rpadilla this was soooooooo sweet...I truly loved this poem. I thought this was very beautiful. keep that pen movin Rpadilla
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Phenomenal Flow

sonofsun5211 says:

beautiful style... and content...

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