scash102 | Poetry Vibe
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Lets Discuss loyalty


just different

Views: 443

These boys ain loyal, when was the last time you trusted ur man round your girlfriend? When was the last time he got checked for an std or his phone rang and he answered without disappearing. These boys ain loyal, you spend your hours, days weeks, months loving, caring sharing and fulfilling any need and wants. Guys flirting with you and trying to engage you in conversation, out of loyalty you turn your head and keep on walking. He sees smooth skin, naked legs, glistening lips, sparkling eyes, he dazzles at herbefore finally looking in her eyes. She winks and smiles, his ego is stroked, she flirting with him but he ain let it go. He feels dominant and its in his nature to get what he wants. Before you know it, she textin back n blowin up his phone, cus he seduced her, sexed her and dont want nothing more yet for years you been loyal but youre suppose to take him back once more. Lets talk dating, he dont want to be tied down so u know he get around, tells u he ain ready for commitment but if he knew u had male friends better believe he gon preach about it. These boys ain loyal, He knows that you hav stayed around and delt with all his ish, yet your still crying or bitterly healing and he could careless about it. These boys ain loyal, stop making the excuses to allow him to treat you how he does, girl wake up cus that ain love. These boys ain loyal, when he ain have a job you stayed around and encouraged him and loved him but when you got layed off he claim you were no longer independent. These boys ain loyal, you are birthing his child while he is layed up irresponsibly creating another life, you love him so much but girl you will never be his wife and why would you want to be. These boys ain loyal your name is wifey til the next thing come around, he hits and shoves your name in the ground. These boys ain loyal. We women are better than this and deserve better, how bout yal grow up and then maybe your view of women will be bettr. I know women hav to respect themselves as well, but your callin her out her name wont help. These boys ain loyal.

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tretre says:

Loved this poem...This poem has truth to it, but never forget there are men out there who are loyal...Those are the ones that's hard to find. Keep that pen movin Scash!

scash102 says:

Thank u

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