435 ***!!!!!!
Searching for a place to give my head rest
regardless of credit worthiness
doing my best
to paying these debts
of past financial regrets.
435 ***!!!
So you are telling me
that the decision to let my thoughts rest easy
relies on a system of numbers
that in one click allows you to define me
without consideration of work ethic, life accomplishments, or my life's history
beyond excuse
or reasons of falsifying the true...
its that easy to "know me" through and through.
Without explanation
you've summed up my entire situation
with little consideration
for others just like me...
Humans living in a world where ain't free,
where mistakes happen and bills get behind
where not every situation is that simplified.
435 ***!!!
How do I explain to my seeds
that "trying your best" doesn't mean in our democracy.
I am now raising them to understand the system
so that they are aware of the governments intentions
to keep us blissfully ignorant
to these lessons;
lessons that I was never taught
now fighting blindly trying to get caught up.
435 ***!!!
I thought the more people I paid the better I'd look,
but my rental application might as well say 'crook'.
Denied AGAIN
and nowhere safe to live
with three little kids.
No matter my level of education
I'm now in a forced situation
living in the hood next to thieves, gang members and crooks,
dealers that smoke their work supply
while my kids and I walk by.
I continue to tell myself this is temporary,
but the rippled effect this system creates
not only perpetuates a cycle of resentment and hate,
but the reality that my worth isn't equated by my education or integrity...
But by the fact that my credit score is a 435 instead of a 79
Not so easy to explain while siren sing lullabies to your kids at night
and you awaken the next morning to a bullet hole on the drivers side
of your POS (piece of )
the only one you could afford
all because of your credit score.