c_michelle_b | Poetry Vibe
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Been gone for too long but I'm back :) check out "Who Is She?" when you get a chance!

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Abba's Wisdom



Views: 457
YOU whisper your love for me in the wind It breezes across my cheeks like a gentle caress & while soothing my anguish warms my heart. YOU do love me. I've been told before but was in total disbelief. How could one so magnificent love someone so unworthy? I've tried to run like prodigal son but I always seem to go in the same circle & now instead of YOU chasing me I'm chasing YOU! I've run long enough & I'm tired. I'm giving up on this race I've been running to stay on a track to YOU because in the end all I've lost was time I could've spent in our relationship wrapped in your arms under an umbrella of unconditional love. Lord, surrender to you. But this path is not easy. My struggle is real, You told me to look to you. The urge to look back is strong but you took my hand and gently said" eyes forward, I don't want you to fall. You stood in the midst of the lions & wanted to be apart of the hunt. I've raised your reborn body & they roared in your acceptance. Take your place in my pride. Stand tall, head up, eyes forward, you're safe in my pride. Eat of my food, drink when you thirst for more, hunt with your brothers & sisters. In battle roar my war cry. Fight alongside me & your siblings. Encourage them to stay strong & find your strength in me. This is our kingdom and we fight & win all battles in it, so we cry out in victory as well. I'm your father, you're my child, I'm your King & you've been crowned.you're my pride & heart. I love you"

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catmartan says:

Great Write! I Love It !

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Superb Share...thanks....ONE

GedsMumma says:

Lovely write-TY

Contest Winner  

c_michelle_b says:

Thank you all :)

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