I’m sitting alone on the play ground
kids gone no sound liquid in a paper bag
that’s brown feeling my ups & downs
like a see saw recalling our merry go rounds
You lifted me up when I was going down
When you fell I was Always around
you stayed with me and I stayed with you
To make this thing possible to do
We had to weather the storm and have fun
If you had left me how could I get it done
Without you or another to lift me up
on my feet Remembering When another came
it wasn’t the same I slipped and called out
your name I looked up and found myself
Stuck like waiting to be pushed on a swing
remembering we both started this thing
through our ups & downs we made it work
We both got bored no ones to blame
It was mutual we both felt the same
You always had to come find me
I no longer wanted you around or behind me
feeling choked like you were holding me down
under water to drown then I found
the message at the bottom of a bottle
the last drop was too hard to swallow
Knowing you wanted to get high
With another so we both left each other
that’s when my fun stopped
I just wish I could feel it once more
like skating across a
newly waxed buffed floor
in my Socks again and again
and never stop until
my journey ends