Azura Heart | Poetry Vibe
Azura Heart
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 2100
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Views: 293

To move forward
Is to let go
Challenge yourself
Allowing you to grow
Negative thoughts
Forgotten memories
Promises kept
Remembered dreams
Constantly aiming
For a better tomorrow
But never forgetting
To enjoy every moment
A smile on your faces
Blessed with every step you make
Relishing in the happiness you create
Lifting yourself higher
Reaching the highest steps on the ladder
Fear took a backseat long ago
Sorrow can’t bother you any more
You chose to live
The life you wanted for yourself
You cried and whined
And things didn’t go over well
But you resurfaced from the depths of despair
You rise and thrive
To your own surprise
You made it through
You listened to your heart
And not your brain
Trusting your instincts
Never giving up faith
It was never a race
Or prove to others that you could
It was all for you
And everything turned out good
Because you believe in you
And took the leap
Making it over to the other side
And you keep moving
Never tell yourself different
And if you do don’t listen
Because you’re strong
Amazing inside and out
Enjoy the life that was given
Don’t fret about
Raise your head
Look to the sky and say
That my life is wonderful
And it gets better everyday

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