scash102 | Poetry Vibe
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Make em feel



Views: 439

Make em feel good, treat me like a queen let her know her a respected human being. She doesnt need money or long achy sex, they want a man who is giving me his best. Any man can buy  her things, and sex me good if he knows what he doing, and thats overrated, she'd rather have a ring. She have needs, they have wants, desires and fantasies but all that means nothing if it boils down to material things. He could be so mediocre taking her to dinner, flowers and liquor its obvious what you're intentions on from the exterior. Kiss em sweet and passionate, be the shoulder her cry on, and when my world is falling apart be the pedestal she stand on. Listen when we talk instead of walking away, and leaving her alone for the rest of the day. Dont jus tease em with a little fore play and a small round of 20 minutes and then on with their day. Stroke her like he mean it, baby make em moan and when my nails dance on their back, caress their mind with your sexy tone (of voice), make mher scream til their hoarse. Know when he come from work dinner will be ready and their massage of course. Speak to me with understanding, and masculinity in his voice. They want a man not a little boy. Spend time with em, their fellas will see him later but give em enough space so they dont feel suffocated. Make theybfeel like their special, profess your love to me. Let me know he will provide everything we need. Know that she is your love and  don't treat her like a disposable. They want a man not a little boy. When their sick, love em and prescribe their affection til their better. When their weak, encourage her so she can be stronger. Let them skanks stay in the streets, she can be every woman he'll want and need. Make em feel like their yours and thats part of what ladies need.

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