The Cunning Linguist | Poetry Vibe
The Cunning Linguist
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 13900
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lightness in the dark
For every beautiful woman that you see somewhere, somewhere there's a man who's tired of looking at her.

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Daddy's Little Girl {A Poetic Short Story}


just different

Views: 242

In the I.C.U. it seems things go from bad to worse, to little Miss Danisha though it seems her Dad was cursed,

for all the years he spent inhaling menthol cigarettes, had left him with a cancer of the lungs up in his chest.

Danisha prayed to God each night to make her Daddy well, but all that did was make his feet and ankles badly swell,

they wouldn't let her in to see him; said she was too young, at ten years old she had it plotted in her head to run,

inside that corner room to give her Dad a final hug, they wouldn't spare a second which to her was time enough,

to bid her Dad farewell as he embarked on one last trip, to hold his hand in silence and to give him one last kiss.

Turns out Danisha didn't have to implement her plan, a few days passed before her mother gently gripped her hand,

and led her down the hallway to that room she always saw, the grownups go inside of and her legs could hardly walk,

but once they made it halfway then she braced and found the nerve, to kick those apprehensive feelings right on down the curb,

emotions spilled from out her eyes; she tried to hold 'em in, she saw her Dad so skinny you could make out bones through skin.

Her mother's grip grew tighter as the bed loomed oh so near, her Daddy smiled at her and whispered "Please don't lose a tear,

on my behalf; I love you, I'll be always by your side, forever; you won't lose me just cuz it's my time to die....."

All at once he paused for breath as if he were asleep, Danisha looked down at the floor and witnessed nurses' feet,

excitedly attempting to resuscitate his speech, but all that greeted them was just an awful sound of BEEEEEEEEP.....

Danisha's mother paused and just collapsed down to the floor, while begging God Almighty for a minute or two more,

Danisha heard the whisper as her father lay there slack, "I'll always be beside you," cue the music; fade to black.

11 Years Later.........

The party spot was jumpin, filled with folks from wall to wall, the music had them beaten down as if they all would crawl,

the smell of drugs and alcohol was deaf'ning all and all, Danisha laid there drunk as f**k; she should be carted off.

The years had not been kind to her, they'd been just downright mean, she drank and partied constantly since bout the age 19,

her mom had passed away a few short months behind her pop, from using so much heroin and she declined to stop.

An overdose had sent her kicking; screaming to the grave, her husband's death releasing teeming demons in its wake,

Danisha moved from foster home to foster home until, she turned 18 and started smoking crystal meth; done deal.

She hooked to get the money for the monkey on her back, and boosted clothes as well as doing some things on her back,

11 years disintegrated sumthin like The Flash, with pain and haunting memories a constant aftermath.

This night was one of many like the other nights before, her passed out in a club from drugs you know, the life of wh0res,

but this night would be diff'rent as her head lay dropped in sleep, til someone poked her shoulder, she awoke to Hak and Squeak,

2 hungry cats who chased the mouse and did it all for cheese, Danisha saw some dollars and she'd do it all to ease,

that f**kin monkey on her spine like Kong and Donkey time, she may have been an addict but she STILL looked sumthin fine.

No words were spoken as she followed them out to the street, the whole hood knew her pricetag; 50 bucks to mouth that D,

she didn't mind becoming the caboose to make a train, as long as when she swalla'd n1ggas holla'd; make it rain.

They walked towards a van with tinted windows all around, Danisha drunk and high as h3ll could not defend the town,

of n1ggas that lay wait for her inside that tinted van, before she could react they all had grabbed her wrists and hands,

and pulled her in the van's interior; no room to breathe, so many bodies all around; she had no room to see,

she felt the motor boning up as fast as no fillet, the n1ggas cheered excitement as the van then drove away.

3 Hours Later........

Danisha couldn't really tell how much time had elapsed, the only thing she felt through all this time laid on her back,

was all the stinkin cats that raped her; ran up in her raw, she put up some resistance but a closed hand to her jaw,

eliminated anything resem'bling a dispute, she also caught a kick or 2 from someone's Timb'land boot,

the party lasted long til only Hak and Squeak were left, she closed her eyes and prayed for peace of mind by seeking death.

"So what we gonna do with her?" Squeak asked while pointing down, Danisha's whimp'ring tears delivered such a poignant sound,

to Hak who couldn't figure out what smelt of gas and feet,

they didn't hear Danisha praying "Help me Daddy please."

The nighttime sky erupted with a thunderbolt that shook, the very ground they stood on plus the van and both the crooks,

the lightning quickly followed as Danisha knelt with ease, she threw both arms up screaming loudly "HELP ME DADDY PLEASE!"

The buzzing grew in volume further scaring Hak and Squeak, as unseen forces daring came and knocked 'em off their feet,

the buzzing sound was louder now; Hak's leg was damp with pee, he watched her eyes roll back while yelling "HELP ME DADDY PLEASE!"

Danisha found her body now just wasn't very sore, a man stood in the midst of them who wasn't there before,

her father as he looked before the cancer ate away, his health he smiled and winked at her which made him fade away.

The 2 thugs on the ground were shaking hard releasing tears, and it was at that instant when the father reappeared,

they couldn't take their eyes off him; translucent was the ghost, that stood before them speaking in a cooler groove than most,

"You gang-rape my poor daughter now you plan to take her life?! So here and now I promise that you're gonna pay the price,

which y'all may deem a bit too high but see I'm p!ssed tonight, you'd take advantage of an addict while she's in the sky?!

By that I'm meaning much too high to make the proper call, but I have God's permission see to put a stop to all,

the condescending sinning that you both have done for years, I have a happy ending that'll have you BOTH in tears!"

The hoodlums tried to scamper but they no longer controlled, the actions of their bodies plus their dongs were both on swole,

"You both are in my hands," the father yelled with sumthin else. "I hereby order both of you to go and F**K YOURSELVES!"

Danisha and her father witnessed Hak undressing Squeak, and Squeak undressing Hak as if they both were best of freaks,

they begged Danisha's father "PLEASE!" while on the verge of tears, with vengance in the air there were no words that he would hear.

He made them practice acts that no 2 men should ever do, for hour after hour til they both were red and blue,

and after all was said; their bodies spent and left for dead, they held their pistols on each other; BANG! a mess for heads.

Danisha came to shivering to see her daddy's ghost, as well as both mens' heads severely buttered as in toast,

her father's spirit shimmered as he waved a last goodbye, while whisp'ring in the morning wind "I'm ALWAYS at your side."

Danisha cleaned her whole life up; no boostin no more drugs, no longer did she drink until she passed out; no more clubs,

her life is best described as being happy in this world, and all because she cherished being daddy's little girl.


The Cunning Linguist

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