Number3 | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner 1
contest winner
lightness in the dark
As a phoenix rises.

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  4 star general
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Views: 366

Who wants the truth?

You know the truth? I seek the truth.

Lies, lies and more lies, we living in a society where the top ranked spill lies.

We ingest...fools, bottom of the hierarchy picking up the scraps. Bottom feeders.

False believers. Thinking of doing right ending up in the wrong. Serene sad songs of mocking birds..worlds.

Will come to an end as the truth brings judgment. Causing predicaments..the unworthy will it feel..with no feeling..cerebral assassins cuffing us up..cuffing us in mind forged manacles we cuffed up...its ***ed up. We serving life in this dungeon..fighting our in day out..all day..

Seeking the truth..searching..craving the truth.

Had a little bit to taste, that went to waste didn't it? The moment oxygen first got introduced to your oesophagus that's when lies started...who knew but they knew..what they did to u..cyborgs of society, I truly wonder whose on top trying to act as the almighty..but failing, evidently playing with our mental, which they shan't do, can't do, in the cold storm when its hell on earth ill be grasping my candle, light in the darkness. Truth in the lies. I'm sure the worst is yet to come...This is merely page one.

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