Majestic | Poetry Vibe
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Making a come back, sorry have been away for a while, have been busy writing :) namaste to you all xxx

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Bleed Indigenous Hope



Views: 325

From a canyon with three points in the Arizona scape,
Where 'humanity travelled' from the Eastern states,
On a wall in the depths where fresh corn grows,
There's a tribe and a prophecy not often exposed.

They say it takes 'two and a half lifetimes' to tell this tale,
With the gods or such leaders of an 'alien' cartel,
They tell of a 'horned devil man' doesn't reside down in hell,
He decides upon your entrance to a 'heaven' from a life lived well.

Mother Earth is our ruler and the sun depicts love,
The moon also a spirit as well as the stars up above,
'Water is life' and with that you'll survive,
No need for technology, take what you need for your ride.

A prediction engraved on stone of the success of humanity,
Suggests we should love the land we occupy and live life candidly,
There's a true pathway of life and by that we should live,
If we continue how we're going Mother Nature won't forgive,
The world is consumed with material and wealth,
Chasing the dollars at the cost of their health,
People living 'freely' unaware of themselves,
Vast competition in the rat-race, taking whatever they can sell.

2 full circles with a line drawn in time,
Representing the holocaust and then religion entwined,
The next half a circle, a war yet to come,
But if we look at our countries it's already begun.

Mother Nature is angry, we can tell by the storms,
Tsunami's and tornados have become the norm,
Thousands of lives lost and homes are destroyed,
The weather getting worse as armies deployed,
Nations of people full of angst have conjoined,
Together an uprising has been starting to form.
The line leading to life is the path I describe,
Sounds crazy but if we take it we won't get washed away by the tide,
Take only what you need, reform love and truth,
Remove judgments and technology from our soon to be in charge youth,
Recycle what you can and waste nothing of your food,
Forget outside appearances, always seek out the good,
Celebrate artistic talents and respect friends and family,
To live life in pure happiness, bleed indigenous hope like the tribes of the Hopi. 


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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

FANTASTIC Share......Respect.....ONE

Majestic says:

Thank you man, appreciate it :) I was hoping to try and catch them in the best light possible, so I'm glad you enjoyed! Namaste

love_supreme says:

Very nice

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