Majestic | Poetry Vibe
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Making a come back, sorry have been away for a while, have been busy writing :) namaste to you all xxx

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The Secret



Views: 345

There's something in the air and it's quite alluring,
Amongst the colours there are stomachs churning,
Multi-coloured smoke from a flame slow-burning,
Eventually a predication, on the tables turning,
What's occurring?? 
Could 'The Secret' be true? 
Clouds are clearing and skies are blue,
Electric atmospheres spun right through,

Uncertain steps are leading astray,
As if someone's listening to the silent words I say,
Feels like only a few weeks, the other day,
Would have thought such craziness would have gone away!

Again I can write and my mind is clear,
I had a small block earlier this year,
Things went wrong, but I made no 'pigs ear',
I guess the stars knew, something's occurring up here,
I fear....I could be completely wrong,
Perhaps the 'fools' had a point all along,
I'm never this certain, but my mind is strong,
Perhaps 'disjointed believers' is where I belong?
It's not that always have to be right,
I guess I just 'know' stuff, with no clue as to why,
What I do know is, if I keep my hope alive,
By the skin of my teeth, fall on my feet and survive.

So I guess I'll hang tight, I've made myself clear,
Something's in the air, but more than one has to hear,
Fate has a plan and so do the stars,
I'm like 'Beauty and the Beast' with a rose in a vase,
I'll camp at the bus stop, keep my eye on the cars,
Soon Scorpio and Jupiter, meet past Mars,
Credo somnia et haec nostra est.


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royale jones says:

very smooth and easy going flow I love it

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sonofsun5211 says:

must agree.... Super smooth....Great read...

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Another Tight Gem.....thanks for sharing....ONE

gedsmumma says:

nice flow- ty for sharing


Majestic says:

Thank you so much for all the kind words! Appreciate it :) glad you enjoyed....Namaste

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