tretre | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Views: 374

I grappled with an angel,

Frantic in my fear,

He wanted to possess me,

Make me happy and secure.

I didn't understand him,

So I tried to fight him off,

But he was there to stay,

he wanted me to show him off.

So I told my darling angel Creativity,

that in order to agree, we

must reach a kind of harmony, 

allowing me to create and be free.

I finally decided to let him take hold of me,

allowing me to show off the person that was me,

now we two are one,

a marriage made in heaven,

a speical connection that can't be undone.

he now brings out the best in me,

My dear creativity, he showed me the person

I was really created to be.

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sonofsun5211 says:

Great personification..... good poem....

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Beautiful....Write On tretre....Write On (smiling)

royale jones says:

loved it! I'm tuned in!

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