CiNdAEy | Poetry Vibe
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The Words of the Ocean



Views: 258

Have you ever listened...

to the words of the ocean...

Ever held hands...

while drawing in the sand...


Laying on a blanket...

while you are love making...

the wind blowing on your faces...

you hold each other close and cut out all the spaces...


Watching the birds flying around in circles...

While she finds something new to admire...

You try to captivate the moment...

As you kiss just before sunset...



She picks up a shell...

and begs you to listen...

do you hear that my love...

the words of the ocean...


I can listen and listen...

but the only words I hear spoken...

you will Love her,

and nothing will shatter...


Her heart is fragile...

But you've had it for more than a while...

Do not be mistaken...

For what you have been given...


She is your lover...

the one you want to chase after...

she knows you deep in your soul...

If this love is lost, you will never see a lull...


Keep her close...

don't listen to all that noise...

just hear those words...

those words of the ocean...

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