Majestic | Poetry Vibe
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Making a come back, sorry have been away for a while, have been busy writing :) namaste to you all xxx

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What is love?



Views: 348

What is love?

I used to believe it was about a sexual connection,

Heat of the moment, fight or flight,

But I soon learned this leads to rejection.

Relationships based on lust were messy,

So I went years with not having any - just reckless sex, and I loved it!!!

What is love?

Partners always wanted co-dependancy,

24/7 every hour of intimacy,

Struggling to breathe, swamped by each other,

Ungrateful for the small things and the merits of one another,

Suffocated lives, entwined and obtuse, callously fighting for power,

Drawing the worst out of ourselves, our own souls we devour.

I knew all along that we were doing it wrong,

But as we all know, love can be very strong,

And overpowering - always a demanding need to please the other.

What is love?

A prosperous future - no emotion, little affection, intentions that are ruthless,

Have the best lifestyle, the belongings and ambiguous tastes,

The finest food and drink, time not working is a waste,

2.4 children, pictures on a wall with forced faces,

No expression of romance or hot back scratch traces,

I soon learned prosperity needs much more than an excessive bank balance....

Moreover - this just wasn't me!

What is love?

I now see this question as a cultural mistake,

An expression self-righteously demanded and never enough once gained,

But is it? Is there another force in play that makes us think like this?

Are we consumed with validation and our own personal restlessness,

I know now that these latter questions have a purpose,

They direct us to find the true answer to what is love, and it's different for all of us,

But for me I have realised there is a specific requirement,

You need to love and nurture yourself and your environment,

I love being me and the talents I project,

I am so very strong and own a charming connect,

Myself I can provide a future, a home and support,

Love like this is very different to how I first thought.

So how does this apply when you think you've found someone?

What is the trick to families that last so long,

Foregone the conclusion that it's finding the right person for you,

It's about being the right person and keeping yourself true, then the right person comes to you,

I'm not up for a dependent unless it's a child,

I am up for laughter and stars shining, living freely and wild,

A team against the world with two separate lives,

Joint responsibility, I don't want just a house wife,

Unless of course a family is born, then we must rearrange,

I want someone who loves me and herself not who wants me to change,

Communication a tool, upfront and true,

Someone who I can rave with then comedown under the moon,

Closeness in kindred, an understanding shared,

Friendships maintained, no relationships compared,

Arms that hold tight so you peace back together,

Snaps your world back into focus and only a HOPE for forever -

Solid promises such as this are dangerous and uncontrolled,

Before you know it, broken are those words once told,

Passion and creativity and I want to love the bad habits,

Singing in the bathroom, dreams of magic,

And of course at some point I will want to know everything,

But keep it a mystery for as long as you can so the journey is kept interesting,

See the world and explore nature, encourage talents and aspirations,

Someone to take care of when sick and enjoy the growth of carnations,

Someone to hold when you're happy, comfort when sad,

Reassure when un confident, and assist when life's bad,

I want to be the person stood next to you when your dreams come true,

Defending your honour when it's needed and devolve my trust into you,

So what is love? It's loving yourself and me too,

Then live prosperous in every consideration,

A family contrasting of both me and you.

What is love, the fake question and only comes to the brave,

Sometimes you have to swallow pride and let the drops of your mind say,

In true form, exactly how you feel,

This chance may never come again, so step out of the field,

Take an exhilarated risk on true happiness,

it's everything we need - in it's purest,

and most exclusive


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sonofsun5211 says:

all love yo... almost cried...... straight up!... can i share this?....

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Majestic says:

Thanks bro, yea of course you can :) glad you liked it, even if it did bring a tear! Namaste

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