CiNdAEy | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 249

He never ignores me...

instead when he sees me he is filled with pure bliss...

He tells me how he feels...

I love it when he reveals...


Every time he calls...

He never creates walls...

I believe he means it...

When he says he can't wait...


It happened on pure chance...

Should I trust this...

I don't have a reason not to...

But I just hope at the end I am no one's fool...


I may not be able to see him...

but he always sends plenty of pictures...

All the others have been disappointments...

But I think of them as blessings...


Without the trials...

I may not have appreciated the way you make me smile...

We have yet to kiss...

But believe when we do, I wont miss...


We all have a past...

but I don't wish to settle for that...

I see my future...

And you are my main feature...


The miles that separate...

Mean nothing, instead you are worth it...

If you ever have a bad day, or feel as if you don't belong...

Remember I will be there in an instant...

Telling you, you are my idea of picture perfect...


I can't wait for the beginning...

But I hope it's a happy ending...

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