Variksha | Poetry Vibe
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Time to walk away



Views: 335
This pain,once again, Who would have guessed,I would be second best, My heart has been messed around,it's now time i stand my ground, Feelings change,lovers become strange, People use lies to be someone they not,in hope they'll never get caught, They will lie to you just for you to be impressed!,Life is too short to always be so stressed, I'm young and I'm done being depressed,I'ma quit complaining and I'ma start saying,I thank you God,I am truly blessed!!,  Here or there,with him or her or another, Past memories still do live on,it's triggered in the mind,part of being mankind, As much as you can pretend to forget,God had his reason for us to have met!, Perhaps you were a mistake for me to have made,now I feel that love starting to fade, Remember how you should cry and plead? Saying I made your heart always cry and bleed, You were crazy,indeed!,  Trying to act strong,when your entire life you've done wrong,now I'ma tell you I'm moving on, Without a doubt,you are a loser,to me an amuser, Goodluck in your life,I hope someday you'll find a suitable wife, Cause I was too good for you,you seemed to good to be true, And I was right,this ain't even worth a fight, I have nothing else to say,so I'm just going to walk away!  

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