The Cunning Linguist | Poetry Vibe
The Cunning Linguist
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 14000
contest winner
lightness in the dark
For every beautiful woman that you see somewhere, somewhere there's a man who's tired of looking at her.

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Desert Moon



Views: 267

Tell me I'm hallucinatin, is it all a dream, you know how if it's just that good it can't be all it seems?

I stare up at the ceiling as I lie here next to you, the room around us dissipates; I see the desert moon.

All we have is you and I atop this nighttime sand, we've traveled all these miles my dear and so tonight I stand,

right here with you affirming that we don't need no one else, I'm thinkin of a number darlin, it's a low one guess....

That number's 2 for me and you or rather you and I, the desert is a lonely place but you're the glue that binds,

the whole thing all together; factuality I spit, and Jericho will tell you that his momma is the sh!t.

The permanence of struggle's to appreciate the times, when things are not so difficult and in this state of mind,

my words will graze your eye as well as perforate your ears, prevaricators lurk nearby and they can't wait to steal,

what little joy you come across cause they're not right themselves, this balladry is breathing cause the words do write themselves,

across the white in pitch black ink because it's crystal clear, my love for you's explosive like a f**kin missile dear.

The outside world can eat a d!ck with ketchup on a bun, this desert is for us and those who get up gittin some,

these thoughts dance through my mental as I lie here next to you, I'd give my life to die with you beneath this desert moon.


The Cunning Linguist

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