CiNdAEy | Poetry Vibe
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in the form of an angel



Views: 297

watch the sunset...

as it burns red into the ocean...

It takes the day away...

Brings the kids in from play....


the night brings darkness...

Drivers turn on their headlights...

it's hard to see all the beauty...

We seem to forget, and feel empty...


We go home...

And everything is shattered and broken...

After a long day...

Everything you fear, is in front of your face...


You wonder how this became...

Where did he go this time...

To the bar...

With the band to play his guitar...


When you look over...

you can see the neighbors...

They are shrieking...

They are even yelling...


They however do not seem sad...

There are no signs of anger...

Yet they seem to be happy...

They can't stop grinning...


He just proposed...

All her dreams have come true...

She runs to the phone...

Calls her mom...


They have been in love for years...

And if they lost one another,

there would be no life to live...

Like Romeo and Juliet...


As I lay here on my bed...

Just wondering...

What will he do when he comes...

should I sit and wait to see what he does...


I don't think I can...

this is not the man...

he doesn't make me want to stand...

Instead he pushes me into the ground...


If I continue this...

I will lose myself...

I will sink between the sands...

Of forgotten mysteries...


I will be unsolved...

They never found me, or got anything resolved...

He got away with my life...

I never became a wife...


I never had children...

I never got to make history...

I left this planet before I knew him...

The one who was supposed to make my heart pound...


My body is sinking...

still to this day...

I am floating...

they still cry, my family....


They loved me...

Why wasn't that enough...

they should have been my strength...

At that last minute...

when I saw the neighbors...


that should have been my decision...

I didn't need more realization...

I just needed to believe...

To believe in something better...

the better I was was deserving...

instead of leaving...

I ended up staying...

and now my family and I are paying...

what would I have been...

Would I have given them grandchildren...

Would I have had the perfect husband...

no I will never know because like my body...

I am now floating...


up above...

in the form of an angel...<3

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