POETICJUSTICE107 | Poetry Vibe
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Ladies know that you're beautiful inside and out and you don't have to show all your skin so that others can figure it out. Don't get so caught up in this thing we call instagram showing your body off to any and every man just for a comment or a like and don't sit back and smack your lips for what I say because you know you're on social media everyday doing all you can to show off your pearls and treasures with all your might just to show thousands of followers that you never follow back just how sexy you can be. Real Men, don't respect women that show them everything too soon but respects and wants the woman that conceals things and works hard towards her goals and dreams. Ladies and Gents understand you must stop with the foolishness because all your doing is wasting time; get right because before you know you'll just end up bitter and alone looking back wondering what if...and by then it'll be too late. Our generation is a trip for a lot that they do and say, in this time and age but, I guess it'll take just patience and time before we all get it right. But, understand time is something we don't have or can control so you better stop complaining about you being all tired and get it right fast because before you know it; you're gonna look up and see that your time of being young and foolish has EXPIRED.

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