Majestic | Poetry Vibe
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Making a come back, sorry have been away for a while, have been busy writing :) namaste to you all xxx

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Views: 332

Our world is made up of silent vibrations,
Gently they tremor aside mother nature's expressions,
Connections from the ground to the clouds in the sky,
Another existence around us only visible in minds eye,
Every being has a colour that relates upon the earth,
Always around us, even when blinded by our search,
For our true pathway in this lifetime,
Lessons learned from another,
Wiser and brighter, sensations higher, the universe is my mother!

I need only the minimum required to exist,
Open minds with a power to make dreams manifest,
Humanity to your brother even when he is challenged,
Find peace in the sensual electricity of a paradigm unaware.

Surrounding planets creating intelligent life,
A new universe awaits in the dark of the night,
Forming higher in numbers and spiritually connect with similar minds,
Open to the beauty in the secret before our eyes,
To live, an adventure shifts to another when we die,
Closer connection to Mother Nature when we're at our most high,
We each behold a talent and an obligation to this earth,
Religion a mechanism derived from the same creation at birth,
We are simply vibrations with a gift and specific purpose,
This is why the government agencies always most fear us.

Music for the soul shared from the spirit of a bird,
Love shared with other beings where words cannot be heard,
And yet these statements are considered crazy,
Which is crazy when this comes so naturally!
My greatest award of prosperity was realising my connection to this obvious beauty. 


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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Great Work.....ONE

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