Wordman21 | Poetry Vibe
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Regained my voice, my voice is no longer silent..

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Happy Birthday


just different

Views: 241


Crawled out, cried cause the lights were so bright and I’ve been covered in darkness for so long,
Take a breath, take that breath…yes air, that was air right ?  
Wow so many faces, so many eyes on me,

Stop poking me and pulling on my limbs. Really!!
So which one am I to look at first, which one am I to love 

Well these two look right, aww, he has a kind face, sweet and loving smile
I like him and she’s pretty cool too…

Okay, I am kinda hungry, wonder when and where I can get something to eat around here…..

Well now that I am here now….I think I’ll stay awhile…..

This being born thing is pretty cool, it just might work out for me.

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