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Regained my voice, my voice is no longer silent..

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Gangster my Life of Love


just different

Views: 285

There was a ringing in his ears, like a dead phone line that he couldn’t hang up on.”came hard but wisdom came harder with unnecessary complications
 The action, The closer to death, the nearer to the moment, the more alive the feeling. Most would succumb to a barrage of bullets from sworn enemies, the debilitation of age, dying the death of the A gangster becomes a addiction, the thrill of the battle and the potential to die in the midst of it.

 More attractive lures in his world, potential for death every day. The better the gangsters, the more dreaded possibility rather than comfort in its proximity “No gangster is ever happy when he's at peace. deadlier to be, your advantage. You make it a strength more dangerous we live, didn't care about dying not to concerned, we have two feet in our grave” with no tolerance for betrayal or cruelty, minute details totally in the moment, only to respond to the action with an action.

Pure gangster.” When you know the mechanics of stress and master the techniques to manipulate someone's fears and dreams, you will be powerful.” 


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