CiNdAEy | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 306

I creep...

and crawl in...

Feeling so out of place...

Was this my biggest mistake...

I have lost friends before...

but never like this one...

I have been pulled...

I have been torn in so many directions....

Never can be sure which is the right road...

I am just living....

He was the best thing that ever happened...

But now I am understanding...

He left to show me what I really wanted...

But this means I really have to approach it...

Or else I will resent it....

If you have a DREAM...

What will you do to RECEIVE IT...

I want to be on the big screen...

And someday I will be...

Just wait you shall see....

Starring in my very own film...

Everything else around me will be dim...

But I will shine...

Just like that diamond in the sky...

I seem to be making rash decisions...

But I have to try on the costumes...

To know if this is what I am here for...

I am just searching like the rest of you...

For that one thing...

Called Purpose...


I never thought I would say this...

But I am, and I am looking to get into the business...

I can find it here...

but back there...

I will never know...

What could have happened...

This I will try...

but I do not think it is crazy...

because if you have a dream...

what will you let get in between...

I am going to stand in line...

hoping they accept mine...

This game of taking risks...

Is not one of my favorites...

But I have to know to end the questioning...

what if this was my purpose...

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