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How?How can you try to be positive yet be surrounded by negativity How can you be the light when they only see dark?How can you be there for someone who doesn’t want it?How can you love if you don’t love yourself?Someone so damaged/ hurt/ cold /heartlessSomeone who wears a mask which is a SMILEA Smile to cover up what they want nobody to seeOne who looks at life hopeless blinded by negativity rather then looking at the goodSeeing nothing but their issues, anger, and pastHow can you be there for someone who doesn’t see it?See that there is light at the end it will get better I yellWishing and praying to take away ones pain and suffering that consumes certain individualsSo they can live life being grateful/ appreciative!!NO life isn’t easy and its not a fairly tale... if you actually got to work for yoursBut its LIFE your LIFE one LI... |
Our Generation"This generation is so Backwards an wrapped up in electronics and broadcasting their life on this thing called the Social Network When did quality time with someone you like or heck love... being family or Ya lovers or Friends become sittin in silence?being on the phone Mind so wrapped and consumed by a 4x4 deviceTexting/making Videos/taking Pictures...Posting there every moveLike they seek attention from the world like they need SOMEONE'S approvalits so bad people don't even know how to communicate over the phone anymoreI dont know how many ppl i have came across that will hangup because they don't know how to conversate by voice let alone in personThen hang up and TeXTIt's like what they can't say by there own mouth they let there fingers say itWhen I was younger I never thought silence would be the NEW ERA of Q.T.Eye contact Actual conversation outside of the typicalFeed... |
Unspokens... Voice As the tears drop |
circleOne Day She Loves One The following Day she loves the Next Boldly using LOVE in vain Does she Really FEEL Playing with people’s hearts, Slowly but surely breaking down peoples walls Feeding their minds with FALSE dreams of them lasting FOREVER When really her eyes Lurking for the NEXT victim Like a Predator She preys on each being  STARVING THIRSTY Desperate to Satisfy her Cravings She’s HEARTLESS SELFISH Only worried about what relevant to HER NEEDS Her eyes easily seduce your soul Captivated to her spell you fall into the trap of FANTASY Loosing all grips of reality She inserts her poison slowly releasing the venom that will DESTROY YOU She LIES to you, USES you, Deceives you, CHEATS on you, PLAYS YOU Sucking you DRY: PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, FINANCIALLY like a LEACH till you have NOTHING Worthless to her Your dream soon comes to a HORRIFIC HAULT! Reality HITS In a BLINK of a eye she’s GO... |