unique_soul_27 | Poetry Vibe
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One Day She Loves One The following Day she loves the Next Boldly using LOVE in vain Does she Really FEEL Playing with people’s hearts, Slowly but surely breaking down peoples walls Feeding their minds with FALSE dreams of them lasting FOREVER When really her eyes Lurking for the NEXT victim Like a Predator She preys on each being   STARVING THIRSTY Desperate to Satisfy her Cravings She’s HEARTLESS SELFISH Only worried about what relevant to HER NEEDS Her eyes easily seduce your soul Captivated to her spell you fall into the trap of FANTASY Loosing all grips of reality She inserts her poison slowly releasing the venom that will DESTROY YOU She LIES to you, USES you, Deceives you, CHEATS on you, PLAYS YOU Sucking you DRY: PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, FINANCIALLY like a LEACH till you have NOTHING Worthless to her Your dream soon comes to a HORRIFIC HAULT! Reality HITS In a BLINK of a eye she’s GONE, ghost, vanished You wake up Trembling, Sweating, Heart pounding, Stomach in KNOTS ALONE you lay in the DARK COLD LONELY   MAD SAD HURT PLAYED…Tears uncontrollably fall BROKEN Your chest hurts as it feels empty like it was ripped yanked forcefully out, stabbed, thrown on the ground like trash, STEPPED on and squished till there was no BEAT left EYES BURNING Face covered with salt from the rush of tears No energy No appetite Just Thoughts Blinded by her infatuation and obsession over what she thought was the love of her LIFE And Having it just taken away..No warnings No CLOSURE Just left in the DARK Shes Loosing her mind, Why? Why Her? What did She do to deserve this? All she ever wanted was LOVE, yet everyone used and played her CONTINUOUSLY Feeling worthless and POINTLESS Death starts consuming her mind Nobody will miss me she thinks Nobody will notice I’m gone Wanting the pain to CEASE DEPRESSED How can people be so HEARTLESS, using manipulating, destroying hearts? What the *** is she suppose to do? Feel? Think? CORRUPTED She slowly becomes evil minded seeking REVENGE,CRAVING IT She builds a brick wall around her HEART and EMOTIONS Showing no mercy to the next She slips into a heartless UGLY DEVILISH MODE Like a circle she tortures plenty of hearts repeating what was done to her NOT GIVING A *** She becomes identical to the one who hurt her the most SELFISH HEARTLESS DESTROYING ANYONE iN HER TRACKS …. SMGDH OUR Society THOU Wonder why ii have TRUST NOONE BRANDED on ME

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