unique_soul_27 | Poetry Vibe
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Our Generation



Views: 239

"This generation is so Backwards an wrapped up in electronics and broadcasting their life on this thing called the Social Network

When did quality time with someone you like or heck love... being family or Ya lovers or Friends become sittin in silence?

being on the phone 

Mind so wrapped and consumed by a 4x4 device

Texting/making Videos/taking Pictures...

Posting there every move

Like they seek attention from the world like they need SOMEONE'S approval

its so bad people don't even know how to communicate over the phone anymore

I dont know how many ppl i have came across that will hangup because they don't know how to conversate by voice let alone in person

Then hang up and TeXT

It's like what they can't say by there own mouth they let there fingers say it

When I was younger I never thought silence would be the NEW ERA of Q.T.

Eye contact 

Actual conversation outside of the typical

Feed my brain with excitement of the unordinary

Talk to me

Educate me

Let your words flow freely out your mouth and let it recycle in my mind as my brain be satisfied by being stimulated as its fed something new...

Give me conversation...

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2b2b2 says:

So true....thanks for sharing....ONE

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