jlouis | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 178

The unknown does not know what you are wanting, needing, yearning, and or even asking for.

To the unknown it is just a thing.

A physical and yet sometimes a metaphysical…thing

A theoretical and sometimes spiritual…thing

A mental yet also emotional…thing

It is as simplistic as it is complicated like college geometry.

It is as attractive as it is repelling like north and south poles coming together like magnets.

This thing is as beautiful as it can get ugly if being misused as people do treat treasures as trash.

This thing is as pure and genuine as crystal clear water is gonna get.

We are all looking for some thing or something.

We are all looking for that thing.

We are all after that one thing that just may be that thing no matter where it may be hiding or whom you are seeking it in.

We are wanting for that thing.

We need for that thing.

We are even yearning and even asking for that thing

We as human are searching for this thing as if we were Juan Ponce De Leon looking for the fountain of youth.

In retrieving this thing, we could be looking for an answer to a question just so this thing may give us some type of truth.

Like algebra, this thing needs formulas to solve its equations.

Like a body needs a heartbeat to show that there is life through beating, pulsating, and palpitation so this thing can live.

Just like pursuing a dream that thing called love takes dedication.

A revelation, spiritual inclination, and a heavenly confirmation is all that is needed to show proof and justification that this thing is real.

Sacrifices are made, tears are shed, roses that once bloomed are now dead, but love has never died or committed suicide to cheat its way out of a deal of this thing.

Love is that thing…

That expressive thing…

Love is so powerful it leaves an impression on you type thing.

Impressions so deep that it makes you think about doing things like…

Telling some woman I love you and then buying her a ring.

Feeling so good that you that write songs and poems explaining why love would have you do all of these things.


Any thing…

Some thing…


The unknown does not know what you are wanting, needing, yearning, and or even asking for.

To the unknown it is just a thing.

A physical and yet sometimes a metaphysical…thing

A theoretical and sometimes spiritual…thing

A mental yet also emotional…thing

This is a 365-day, 52 weeks, 24 hours, 60 min, and 60 second thing that was created from above.

No matter how long ago you first got it…

That thing that is always fresh and never gets old because it doesn’t expire is called love.

Isn’t that thing something?

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Bravo...well crafted message...thanks for sharing....ONE

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Contest Winner  

tretre says:

I like this poem Jlouis!!! Keep that pen movin!

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