2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Matters of the Heart



Views: 550

They said I was moving on

Claiming 2b poetry in motion

Causing a commotion in restitution

I found my solution bringing proof in

Tested and later professed, I guessed….?

Right or profound by the sound of applause

Give cause to my sway to walk that way

Promoting which way is up in conveying

Gravely may have been my yesterday

Able to praise today in resurrected space

Peace is a place to call home, when in a zone

Roaming in divine searches for my hommies’

I look but they look for me, meeting a foundation

Tracing outlines of outcasts in portrayal

Rebels Yell and Sings Songs Melodious

Hearts Beat as One in Sharing the Hearing of harps

My part is not claiming origins, of sudden performances

Transforming my course of persuasion, by new information

For the word is written even before I began this embark

Like a secret covenant of an ark sailing in these parts

I can depart and swim away, but yet my status is a display

Whether infantile or mature or almost sure, for sure secure

Reasoning in not believing in Substance in Abuse

Up High is My Savior and My Apparent Wealth

Called into being by somebody within my self

Arteries no longer hardening by hard to pass fluidity

Within Always Remains these Matters of Heart……

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Contest Winner  

Number3 says:

poetically achieved, Word Up 2b2b2, another spectacle

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LP45 says:

Nice work there 2b2b2.

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Contest Winner  

tretre says:

You did it again 2b2b2!!! I Love this poem. You are very gifted. I hope you don't mind me sharing this one. Always keep that pen movin 2b2b2...

GedsMumma says:

this one is greatt


DallasCowgirl says:

Always great poetry. This is very beautiful and intellectual.

Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Thanks All....ONE

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Goddess Bee says:


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