CiNdAEy | Poetry Vibe
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Everlasting Flow



Views: 254

you listen to me...

you close your eyes...

you say you can hear my heart beat...

you tell me you see me...


When you wrap your arms around me...

You say I should never feel more secure...

You promise to protect me...

With your life...


God never makes a mistake...

And you the one who answers to amore...

Were heaven sent...

I will end my search, and look no further...



Our paths have come together...

They have been intertwined...

Now that they have reached their potential...

How could there ever be anything else...


The waters shift...

And when I heard you fingers glide ever so swift...

On those precious white and black keys...

I knew my heart and soul was yours to keep...



These rivers that may flow right on through...

Will never compare to our one true love...

but it will always be a reminder of how we feel...

for one another...

Like this flowing water...

Our love will never end...

Even when there may be a drought...

Our river will always remain constant...

Others may be oblivious to it...

But you and I will never need to question it....


I love you my love...

My dear....

My River flows now...

And because of you,

It will never know the meaning of the end...

Even as I lay on my death bed...

Or while I am six feet under...



My heart always flows...

and only flows through you...

Like the blood in your veins...

My love only through yours...

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