igotastory | Poetry Vibe
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I would Like to thank EVERYONE for all the love and comments that you all took time out to write. I really appreciate it all and I will return soon just need to take a break from the world and get in my own zone.. Only the real will understand what I mean. I love me some love and to return the same. Thank you all so much!!!!

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Untitled (Just Venting)



Views: 360

You were someone great and someone I thought I lost

But with every mistake you make in life

It always come with a cost

So giving myself away so easily without a second thought

Or even a small doubt that what I was doing was wrong

Or how this is ruining all the right I believe

I let myself be deceived

And tricked

And fooled

I broke plenty of gods rules

And so I say sorry to the people who were all in involved

And to myself

For allowing myself going to that low level

I didn't know but now I realized I was dancing with the devil.

Just need to get some things off my chest

From this day forward I'm doing my best.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Concise vent....Wow....Write On!
Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

That's how it's done

poems by this commentor

Contest Winner  

igotastory says:

Thank both of you so much I really like the comments

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