Tell me please that sleep will come soon
These bags below my eyes hang heavy like a big broad on children swings
No offense to big women or even things
My eyes drop heavy
My heart thumps ten times harder than yours
My feet ache like rocks are stuffed inside of them
I walk to work with my head high as the sun beats down on my black skin, drippings of sweat become visible while the pain in my eyes eaves sanguine
And like the rocks in my feet
Life throws stones at my chest
Banging and banging still I shall never rest
Why can’t I live like rich people do?
Where they don’t have to rise until afternoons
Why can’t I live like rich people do?
Why can’t I sink myself inside bubble baths and release doves when love comes to my mind?
I can’t rest or sleep with these things on my mind
Why can’t I love more than one woman at a time?
Why can’t I be a gigolo without being a whore, a slut, a trick, a loosey goosey, a polished shoe, a piece of ass, and all those other violent words people use against me for using my vagina the way I want too
Why can’t I be free?
Why do I have to be like him or her or him and her just to be cool?
Why do I have to spend my small check to walk in those expensive shoes although my feet still will ache at night?
Why should I be like you?
Whether you’re great or poor
Why should I be like you?
Why can’t I win sometimes and just say forget everything and smoke weed and light fire in places where those things are not “prohibitedâ€
Why can’t all of my homies chill in front of stores and rap to beat boxing beats without being arrested and thrown against walls or get charged thousands of dollars for soliciting.
At the end of the day I don’t feel
I don’t care what anyone thinks of this 5’2 lesbian who walks sometimes with a limp, who cares for her mother and father and sister and brother
Who wears glasses that always seem to find their way to the peak of her nose
Whose skin has not been clear since puberty hit
Who still cries when people stump on her feelings
I don’t care what anyone thinks of the 5’2 lesbian that loves to feel and lay with women
Who cherishes them because they are the most beautiful, soft, emotional, and so many other great things…I love women so much. This 5’2 black woman does not care
I just want some rest.